
Friday, 21 November 2014

Jasper Report- JRException: Image read failed

 This Exception comes generally when you try to export the report on Jasper Server in PDF Format, or from iReport, then due to the error in some of the image or all the images, which is producing the error.

So to overcome this issue, you could set following properties of the image:

1. Firstly you could simply setting the Cache Property to true
2. If that does not resolves the issue then you can set the property Error type to Blank

Hope that this helps.


Monday, 3 November 2014

Jasper Reports Server's unique Source Code Management System

Jasper Reports Server is basically a stand alone as well as embedded  reporting server which can be easily used for deploying the Jasper Reports. It provides a way to embed reports as well as analytics into a web or mobile application, as well as act a informational hub.

Server is made to securely share and manage the Jasper reports and analytic views. The security feature is implemented via role management and user creation facility in Jasper Server.

Now there are two ways you can use Jasper Server
1. Standalone application
2. Embed into services, or applications.

Now moving on to the Source Code Management,

    What benefits do Source Code Management tools provide?

SCM tools help development teams in many ways:
  • Collaboration: SCM tools prevent one user from accidentally overwriting the changes of another, allowing many developers to work on the same code without stepping one each other's toes.
  • History: SCM tools track the complete development history of the software, including the exact changes which have occurred between releases and who made those changes.
  • Release notes generation: Given the tracking of each change, the SCM can be used to generate notes for their software releases which accurately capture all of the changes included in the new release.
  • Documentation and test management: SCM tools can be used to manage not just software source code, but also test suites and documentation for their software.
  • Change notifications: To keep interested members of the team informed when changes occur to the source code.

   Who uses SCM tools?

SCM tools are used by:
  • Project developers who are writing source code.
  • Project testers who need to download the very latest changes.
  • Advanced users who want to try out code that is not yet stable, mature or released.

In JasperServer, the SCM is managed very intelligently, whenever you draw a report for viewing in then you always get a version of the report, so you are not really modifying what is there on server. 

Jasper Server always keeps the original content on the server and provides the user with an instance of the report which is directly stored in the Temp folder, and if you need the modified version you have created as the current version then you need to replace the report with the current version of the report, by right clicking on the report in the repository and then replacing the report.

In light of this feature there is also a extreme care to be taken that which version is being replaced, because if once replaced the version of the report will be changes and it would be not possible to roll back the change.

This feature is really very great when you need to work on the small modification in the report as you can draw a copy on the local system and work onto that until you get the desired modification as well as you can simultaneously compare the previous version of the report and if you get the desired changes executed you can replace the report and have a new version of the report.

Hope this information helps you a lot!!

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Getting to know CrossTabs and how to implement in Jasper Reports

CrossTabs are used for creating statistical view of a large sample data.

They allow you to summarize a huge unorganized data to be organized in terms of commons between the data.

Suppose You have a data containing two columns Year, Brand of the car sold

Some thing like this 


Now if you have to tell the total sales of Audi  in 2000,2001,2002. It will be a long and tedious process, so to show it Schematically We can have Distinct Years and Distinct Car Brand Names for representing the data as they are the are the common attribute to the data .

So the statistical data will look like this

In the table above you could easily determine the Number of car sold for either of the brands and in which specific year. Also The last column where the the two totals converge i.e. 16 shows you the total value of the sample. 

Now let me quickly move on to implementation of Cross Tab in Jasper Reports rather iReport.
For the tutorial I would be using the iReport v5.6.0

1. The data needs to be retrieved from a datasource (either JDBC/JavaBeans/Custom Datasource/Excel/CSV... etc)
2. For the demonstration purposes I will be using the Excel File as the datasource.
3. After defining the datasource, we need to add the CrossTab element from the pallete.
4. Pallete could be accessed, Window( Menu Bar) --> Pallete, then from there the CrossTab could be found under the Report Elements.
5. As soon as we drag the Pallete, we get an wizard as below,

  •     Select the datasource, if subdataset is created then we can use that or simply the main dataset could be used. For the tutorial Main dataset is used
  • Next will appear the grouping criteria for the rows which in short means that which field(s) will come on the Rows of the Cross Tab. We need the car companies on as the rows which are unique.

  • Next will appear the grouping criteria for the Columns which in short means that which field(s) will come on the Columns  of the Cross Tab. We need the Years on as the rows which are unique
  • Next will be the Measure or the count of the value in particular grid.
    Which in our case would be the number of cars of a particular company in a particular Year

  • Then will come the window to select the layout of the crosstab, this means here we can customize the looks of the cross tab by defining the colors and which columns to show/hide.

    6. Now this brings to the completion of the crosstab, now we could see that a tab at the bottom left corner appeared showing the name of the Crosstab, as Crosstab 1. There we could see the columns and design of the Crosstab.

    7. Now a very critical point is placement of the crosstab, this should be really placed in a report band wherein the data is calculated already and then is to be shown in crosstab, the most favorable band to show the CrossTab is Summary band, else it will throw an Error Incrementing crosstab dataset/ Crosstab already been processed.

    Now to Explain the exception
    What "Crosstab data has already been processed" exception means?
    This exception is thrown if more data is added to the crosstab dataset after the crosstab has already been rendered.
    This usually happens when a crosstab element is linked to the main dataset of the report (does not use a subdataset run) and the resetType attribute of the crosstab dataset does not match the place where the crosstab is rendered.
    Crosstabs are special components that display aggregated data. And when they are linked to the main dataset of the report, you simply cannot put them in the detail section, because there is no data to aggregate from a single record.
    Such crosstabs could only reside on a group footer or on the summary section of the report and have the appropriate resetType value, so that their dataset is initialized each time after they are rendered.
    If you still think you need to render one crosstab for each detail in the master document, then almost certainly this crosstab should be linked to a subdataset and not to the main dataset of the report.

How to set up the tutorial Report:

1. Unzip the file downloaded from the above link.
2. The Zip contains sampleds.xls, CrossTabTut.jrxml and TestRun.pdf
3. Open iReport and set up the Excel Datasource using the sampleds.xls
4. Then open the sample report and its ready to run.

Hope that this helps!!

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Jasper Reporting Tutorial Playlist.

Here is the playlist which I have compiled including all my tutorials on youtube

Monday, 24 March 2014

Using Styles in Jasper Reports

We have been accustomed to use style sheets or CSS in our HTML codes, parallel to that we can use Styles in Jasper Reports also. It provides same utilities like conditional, non -conditional and could be applied on  any element in the Report.

Now how to create styles, there are two methods basically:
1. External Style Sheet (jrtx file)
2. Declaring Internal Styles in the report itself.

The advantages of using external Style sheet is that it provides modularity and re-usability of the style over large number of reports using similar kind of styles. On the other hand, Internal styles would only contains the styles definitions for a particular report.

How to apply styles in the reports(iReport).

1. Locate the Styles node in the Report Inspector.
2. Right Click on the node and add a new Style
3. Then you could define the properties of the Style in the in the properties pane. Properties like background-color,forecolor, outline,.. etc/
4. You could even click on the Style and add a conditional Style and define conditional styles, like alternate coloring and much more.
5. After defining the styles now in the application part, locate the element onto which you want to apply the style.
6. Select the particular style in the property called Style(could be found in the properties pane) of the Element.

I have created a simple tutorial video demonstrating the Styles in Jasper Reports. Click Here

Download the sample demonstrated in the video tutorial from here. The ZIP file contains :
1. The JRXML File
2. The jrtx Style.

The Sample uses the Sample database so no need to worry about the datasource.

Happy Coding.

How to display the Username of the user who logged into JasperServer

Many a times we require the name of the person who logged into the Jasper Server and according to this information we are able to show/hide the elements on report, or simpley to log the user name we can use it.

So how to achieve this ? 

We can create parameters in our report, with a specific name and datatype. Then these parameters will be automatically filled when the report is executed by JasperReports Server.
LoggedInUsername (java.lang.String), with no default value. Then, we can use $P{LoggedInUsername} in a text field, in a query, in a printWhenExpression, etc ...
This is a built in parameter which gets filled with the User Details when report is run on Jasper Server.
Note that the report if run in iReport, would get a null value. So for the correct results it is necessary that we deploy the report onto JasperServer.

Parameter Name
Not usable in query input control,
 but is used as parameter to report
Of logged in user
Of logged in user
Of logged in user
Is logged in user enabled?
Is logged in user externally defined?
 ie. authenticated externally
Of logged in user. Only relevant in 
Current set of roles of logged in user. 
Useful for $X parameter
Map<string, string>
Not usable in query input control, but is 
used as parameter to report.
 Empty map if no attributes
User profile attribute names. Useful for
 $X parameters. Empty collection if no
LoggedInUserAttribute_<attribute name>
Attribute value for matched attribute name (like "att1") on the user. Empty string if no match. Only provided if defined in a query or as a report parameter.

Using the above parameters we could easily get various important information which could help in defining the roles. 

Happy Coding.!!

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Cascading Parameters in Jasper Reports

Cascading, what does one mean by saying cascading, literally it means anything that resembles a waterfall or especially seeming to flow. Now where to implement this in Jasper Reports?    

Right, it could be used in parameters, or rather the filters which are dependent on each other. You can find these kind of filters in online shopping websites, wherein we can choose on various filters like if we want to buy the laptop first filter would be Laptop next filter would be the company chosen among the companies which sell Laptops, and then we chose for the specifications like processor,ram etc. each have separate filters but the boundaries of the parameter depends on the previous parameter.

Before getting into the setup of Cascading Parameters in Jasper Report there are few things which we need to know before hand - 
Usage of     $X{IN, feild, parameter} in the SQL Query used in the Where clause, which filters the data based on the selection. Let me go one by one in explaining the components
field - Now this is the field in the database upon which the find will be done
parameter - Now this is the parameter selected by user and will be queried or looked in the field. This enable for multi select also in the parameters.

Now in  order to achieve this in Jasper Reports we need to follow few steps.

  1. First of all you need to design a Jasper Report and identify the parameters to be cascaded
  2. Then we need to define the expression for parameters,  and mind one thing that each of the parameter need to be of type java.util.collection if you want to enable multi- select.
  3. Next and very important thing is that the cascading parameters could not be tested in iReport / JasperSoft Studio, this  needs to be deployed on Jasper Server in order to check the correct functionality. Though could be run in iReport or JasperReports with default values hardcoded.

I have created a working sample which could be simply deployed, and checked for the functionality and working.
The Zip file could be downloaded from here  - LINK TO ZIP FILE

The Zip file contains
1. Cascade Parameter Report (JRXML File)
2. SQL DUMP, could be extracted using MySQL or any other tool
3. Table Creation Script in a notepad file, this will allow you to create the require table in the database.

For setting up the sample report you need to-
1. Create a schema in you database and create the table using the script command
2. Then run the JRXML file using iReport/Jaspersoft Studio
3. Then set the datasource referring to Persons table in the database.
4. Then deploy the JRXML  on the Jasper Server, and set the datasource and input controls. Do remember the names of the parameters used in the report should exactly match the input controls declared on the Jasper Server.

If you miss on some step then you could follow a YouTube video of mine which  will serve as a tutorial.
Below is the video where in you could see all the steps.

Please put your views or questions or suggestions below, I will be more than happy to hear them.Happy Coding!!

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Impact of Globalization on Indian Villages

International trade has registered manifold increase (3-4 times or more) as a proportion to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) compared to eighties. Two decades earlier, restrictions were in force on foreign trade, exports, imports, foreign direct investment, technology transfer etc. to protect Indian economy for self reliance. Globalization is believed to affect most the earnings and the living standards of people in the urban areas. NGO's and several organizations are studying the impact of globalization on value system and employment. People describe its impact in relation to literacy, skills, growth and development mostly on urban life but its effect on rural livelihood that impacts more than 60 percent of Indian population is seldom discussed.

In Indian villages, people still live in houses made of mud barring houses of few rich and progressive farmers. Houses constructed for people in the name of "Indira Awaas Yojna" are poorly designed and offer limited accommodation. These houses are in no way better than the houses in which poor villagers are already residing. Dwelling units made in the name of "Indira Awaas" are so small that a family of three to four people can not live comfortably in these houses. This appears sheer wastage of public money in the name of subsidy for helping poor people.
 An amount of INR 45000 was allocated for single unit earlier that has been recently increased to INR 70000. Even this amount is meager for construction of a house at prevailing building material and labor costs. The worst thing about the Indira Aawas is the location of these houses as land for construction of such houses is usually government owned land and it is mostly far away from the villages. People in villages prefer to stay in clusters and large spaced houses. They can stay in muddy houses but they can not stay in clumsy and one or two room houses. They may reside in open space but not in space constrained houses. Occupation of such houses has been taken by the people but majority of occupants are still staying in their mot houses. Farming communities are yet untouched from the wind of globalization.

Moreover few of the problems which have been introduced by globalization at a rural scale are:

a) Rural Population still increases whereas total cultivable land availability remains unchanged.  Therefore, the average per household land availability continues to decrease. Moreover, the existing inheritance system and demographic accidents result in a continually increasing intra-village economic differentiation. Each child has the right to inherit the same share of their parental property. This and the number of heirs in previous generations thus determines the present socio-economic status of South Indian villagers. Since among previous generations there were only few families with only one heir there is now an increasing economic differentiation among villagers.  The few large landowners usually purchase more land from those whose land no more provides even for their subsistence. Thus the number of Landless villagers who depend on their income from work as agricultural labourer increases. The lot of the increasing numbers of poor villagers is made even worse by the increasing mechanisation the few large landowners introduce which reduces the demand for agricultural labour.

b)  Profitability of cultivating different crops has hardly increased: As the cost of crop inputs has risen more than the crop prices farmers receive, their net earnings have hardly increased. Farmers also complain about the growing shortage of village labourers and the resulting rising daily wage rate .

c) Changing crop prices: The falling price of sugar on the world markets in 2008 and the declining sugarcane prices this caused had a devastating effect on villages where sugarcane was the major cash crop. Many farmers went bankrupt and committed suicide. This and mechanisation led to a decrease in the demand for village farm labourers, whose poverty increased. Moreover, it made urban migration a survival strategy for increasing numbers of poor villagers. As there is still insufficient urban demand for the growing numbers of unskilled rural/urban migrants they swelled the urban slums which in turn led to increasing urban violence and crime. Even when crop prices increased on the World Markets farmers still complained that their conditions continued to get worse because the middlemen who sold the crops on the world market did not pass on to the producers the higher world market prices and moreover the costs of farm inputs also increased.

d) Farming lost its attraction: Most South Indian rural parents want their children to obtain a University Degree. A survey I conducted in 2011 among 15 year old village school children asking them what they would like to be doing 10 years hence indicated that only four out of 154 youngsters wanted to be farming in their villages while the rest all wanted to become certificated professionals.

e) World Food Shortages: The world shortage of rice was responsible for the doubling of paddy resale prices within India and resulted in decreasing levels of living particularly among the landless rural poor.

But, as we know every coin has two sides there are numerous advantages of Globalization on the rural scale or the Indian Village.The impact of globalization has been felt by the Indian rural market as much as the urban counterpart.Hence, we can see that today changes are taking place rapidly in all walks of life and rural areas are no exception to this. Improved infrastructure facilities, economic liberalization, renewed emphasis on agribusiness and small industries, fast changing agricultural technology, scope for commercialization of agriculture, greater budgetary provision for rural people are few reasons to mention. Moreover, various socio-cultural,psychological and political aspects of rural life are also changing. The farmers in the Indian village now have access to the advanced equipments for agriculture, which leads them to better yeilds and inturn it helps the economy of the country. Globalization also provides better exposure to the argricultural produces and ensures the farmers that they get the correct value for the produces, as the market due to globalization has gone competitive and more of buyers are there making the market even more diverse.

In the end I would like to say that the implications of globalisation for a national economy are many. Globalisation has intensified interdependence and competition between economies in the world market. This is reflected in Interdependence in regard to trading in goods and services and in movement of capital. As a result domestic economic developments are not determined entirely by domestic policies and market conditions. Rather, they are influenced by both domestic and international policies and economic conditions. It is thus clear that a globalising economy, while formulating and evaluating its domestic policy cannot afford to ignore the possible actions and reactions of policies and developments in the rest of the world. This constrained the policy option available to the government which implies loss of policy autonomy to some extent, in decision-making at the national level.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Role of Science and Technology to Empower Youth

Science and technology have always been leading aspect of life. It serves as the solution to the skepticism of mind. Nowadays in all the known fields’ technology and science is embedded in form of advanced equipment and modern methodologies. In present scenario even we couldn't imagine our jobs without technology,  as all the data which were earlier kept as record in racks of registers are now been transformed in databases , even balance sheets and accounts are maintained in Microsoft Excel. So the point here I want to make is that if we can’t imagine things without science and technology how can youth be kept away from this, being one generation ahead of us.

Youth are the future of the nation and for their empowerment, technological sync is must. They should be educated with the science and technology as a part of their elementary education so that by the time they grow up they have a fair understanding of technologies. It is very important that develop an inquisitive mind so that they can question the happenings and act aptly, this kind of thinking is empowered by combined role of science and technology.

 Science and Technology plays pivotal role in shaping up their life and career and this in turn will benefit our nation. As in near future youth will take over the reins of the country, by that time they should have knowledge of science and technology stocked in their arsenal so that they are ready for any kind of challenge and they could work for the advancements of the country.

 So to conclude I would like to say that, science and technology are the sheer roots of youth, indirectly are the roots of nations’ development and advancement.

Friday, 17 January 2014

All you want to know about Scriptlets!!

First question which comes to mind after coming across this word Scriptlet is that does it have any relationships with scripts, if yes then what scripts, the answer  to this question is No it does not have any relation with scripts.    Scriptlets basically act as an interface between the Jasper Reports and Java. It provides much of flexibility to the reporting as now we can introduce user defined functions.

Scriptlet is nothing but a java class which is extended with either
1. net.sf.jasperreports.engine. JRAbstractScriptlet
2. net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDefaultScriptlet.

Now we need to identify which class we need to extend based upon the usage, JRAbstractSriptlet contains a number of abstract methods that must be overridden in every implementation, developer must implement all the abstract methods whereas JRDefaultScriptlet contains default empty implementations of every method in JRAbstractScriptlet, a developer is only required to implement those methods he/she needs for their project.

Now following listed are the methods that will be called by the report engine at the appropriate time, during report filling phase.

public void beforeReportInit()
Called before report initialization.
public void afterReportInit()
Called after report initialization.
public void beforePageInit()
Called before each page is initialized.
public void afterPageInit()
Called after each page is initialized.
public void beforeColumnInit()
Called before each column is initialized.
public void afterColumnInit()
Called after each column is initialized.
public void beforeGroupInit(String groupName)
Called before the group specified in the parameter is initialized.
public void afterGroupInit(String groupName)
Called after the group specified in the parameter is initialized.
public void beforeDetailEval()
Called before each record in the detail section of the report is evaluated.
public void afterDetailEval()
Called after each record in the detail section of the report is evaluated.

Except these we can also use User defined custom functions, I have already posted about them in my previous post here is the link-

Few important facts which need to be kept in mind using scriptlets are-
  1. When we do a System.out.println in any of the function then it does not directly print in the report, many a times people have some misconception but to remind System.out.println  is a console command and prints the value in the Report console, that is called the Report output window.
  2.  These functions are fired when the Jasper Print object is created, and it is created when a JRXML runs.

Now after creating our scriptlet classes and packaging  it into a jar file we are ready to use it in our Jasper Report created either in iReport or JasperSoft Studio.

Follow the following  steps to implement scriptlets in iReport
  1.  Add the Scriptlet jar file in the classpath by clicking on the Tools(Menu Bar) à Options à Classpath Tab  and add the Jar file here.
  2.  Locate the Report Inspector Window
  3.  There is a node called Scriptlet, expand the node and we could see REPORT
  4.  You can create a another scriptlet label by right clicking the scriptlet label and then select Add
  5. Now locate the new element called Scriptlet1 under the node SCRIPTLET. (Check Fig-1)
  6.  Navigate to the properties of the Scriptlet1 there could be seen Name, Scriptlet Class and Description.
  7. Now you can enter the desired name for the scriptlet.
  8.  Scriptlet Class  is the fully qualified path of the scriptlet class in the JAR File.
  9.  Description is for the describing the role of the scriptlet ( Check Fig-2)

Follow the following  steps to implement scriptlets in  JasperSoft Studio
  1.  Add the Scriptlet jar file in the classpath by clicking on the Project(Menu Bar) à Properties, then select Java Build Path and external JAR File.
  2.  Locate the Outline window
  3.  There is a node called Scriptlet, expand the node and we could see REPORT_SCRIPTLET
  4.  You can create a another scriptlet label by right clicking the scriptlet label and then select Create Scriptlet (As in Fig 1)
  5. Now locate the new element called Scriptlet_1 under the node SCRIPTLETS.
  6.  Navigate to the properties of the Scriptlet_1 there could be seen Name, Class and Description.
  7. Now you can enter the desired name for the scriptlet.
  8.  Class is the fully qualified path of the scriptlet class in the JAR File.
  9.  Description is for the describing the role of the scriptlet.  (As in Fig 2)

Now until now we have success fully linked the scriptlet JAR with the iReport/JasperSoft Studio, now we need to understand that how can it be used in the report in order to get the desired outputs from the scriptlet or basically from the JAVA end.

To use the scriptlet functions in either iReport/ JasperSoft Studio following are the steps:
  1.  When we successfully create a new scriptlet under the scriptlet node, and define the properties of the scriptlet we could  see a new parameter formed under the Parameter node.
  2.  Locate the scriptlet parameter, you can find the parameter as by default it is named as ( {name of the scriptlet defined}_SCRIPTLET )
  3. Then wherever you want to use any function of the scriptlet, you just need to use as:
    ( {name of the scriptlet defined}_SCRIPTLET ).function Name

That is all we need to implement to use scriptlet in Jasper Reports, hope that the above description and methodology helps to grasp important points.

Here is a sample using the sample database, you can try the above customization too.


Hope this clears your doubt for this topic. Still if you face any issues or problems then you can add a comment below.

Happy Coding!!