
Monday, 15 July 2013

Java Cloud


I will discuss about the Java Cloud - as the name suggest it deals with something related to Java as cloud service. Actually Oracle Java Cloud Service provides a platform to develop and deploy business applications in the cloud. With Oracle Java Cloud Service (Java Cloud Service), businesses can maximize productivity with instant access to a cloud environment powered by Oracle WebLogic Server, complete with integrated security and database access. This section provides a brief introduction to Java Cloud Service. It explains core Java Cloud Service concepts and how to install the Java Cloud Service SDK, and offers an overview of deploying Java EE applications.

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Basically in a nutshell , what Oracle Java Cloud is providing is a way how you can deploy a Java application (in a WAR file format)  and easily attach a database on the fly. This has basically great advantage for the testers of the application as they can test the application on the fly . With the subscription of  Oracle Java Cloud you get separate instances for Java Service and DBMS service and believe with what comes bundled with this is the top-notch security of Oracle with SSO(Single Sign On) service embedded , which deals with the security.
One great thing about Oracle Java Cloud is that they provide a 1 month trial version which provides you all the services of the full version so that you can evaluate and carry on with the paid subscription.

Along with this write up I am attaching a presentation  which gives a clear perception of Cloud services .
Here is the link
Presentation on Java Cloud

Please feel free to post comments/concerns and questions I will be happy to answer them.

Jasper Reports

JasperReports is an open source Java reporting tool that can write to a variety of targets, such as: screen, a printer, into PDF,HTMLMicrosoft ExcelRTFODTComma-separated values or XML files.
It can be used in Java-enabled applications, including Java EE or web applications, to generate dynamic content. It reads its instructions from an XML or .jasper file.
JasperReports is part of the Lisog open source stack initiative.

Jasper Reports is quite handy , in huge projects which could summarize the whole project in form of few reports .

I have recently developed a great interest for jasper reports and , stay tuned to the blog and I would post some great tricks and solutions to the common problems.